How to care for your designer bed sheets!

Bed sheets do not just add grace to your bed, but also give charm to your room’s décor. Quite a lot of times we spread dull looking or faded bed linens over the mattress, which in turn completely disturbs the mood and look of the room. I understand that the dull looking bed sheet was not like this when you bought it, but over the period of time it has become lifeless. But, do not worry; I will give you some quick advices so that it will not happen again to any of your favorite bed sheets.

-          Wash the colored and white bed sheets separately. Wash the designer bed sheets separately as they have got some beautiful embroidery on them.

-           Wash your bed sheets in cold water, however white bed sheets should be washed in warm water. Use a mild detergent and add liquid fabric softener which does not have bleach, as bleach tends to fade the cloth. If you want to use bleach, then use the one which is based on oxygen and is specifically made for colored fabrics.

-          Do not brush the designer bed sheets, as the threads with which the embroidery is done might come out, distorting the look of the bed sheet.

-          After washing the bed sheets, dry them and fold them nicely. In most of the cases, bed sheets do not require to get ironed, but cotton and linen sheets need to get iron, so that the wrinkles do not stay for long.

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